1st Visit
After the prospect’s first website visit they will receive an offer to get them interested. They may be ready to buy, they may just be browsing. Either way, this initial offer creates a sense of urgency to act soon.
3rd Visit
This prospect is continuing to express interest in your website. Maybe they are researching financing options, maybe they are checking on inventory changes, or looking to value their trade. Offering $500 toward their trade-in can push them farther down the buying funnel.
5th Visit
At 5 visits, this prospect is definitely interested, but has not made a move. Offer an exclusive giveaway for a limited time to nudge them further down the buying funnel.
7th Visit
Employee pricing is a great way to welcome customers into your dealership’s family. The prospect knows that you value them and that they will have a lasting relationship with your dealership.
9th Visit
This prospect is ready to buy. After 9 visits to your website, it’s safe to say they want to do business with you. Give them the extra push to act now with a 48 Hour Flash Sale.